Did the forces of government win the day and lay to rest the undying anarchist? The game plan, as ingenious as it was ad hoc, seemed workable, and to have...
How do you neutralize, for good, a master tactician who literally won't die? His opposite number in cold calculating genius, our boy anti-hero, thinks he has a plan. It involves...
How might one silence a nationís command structure in just two hours? By being devious and undying, for starters-and taking over Japan is exactly what Sato threatens for his “final...
For his ultimate “wave” Sato has taken on Iruma Base, the hardest of hard targets, while the Prime Minister is onsite. The unexpected grit of Japanís Self-Defense Forces delights him...
Under duress, the Ministry of Welfare, which has been abusing demi-humans, is ready to negotiate with them. Yet Sato can’t resist giving the screw another turn.