A new series of prose novels, straight from the worldwide Naruto franchise. Naruto’s allies and enemies take center stage in these fast-paced adventures, with each volume focusing on a particular...
The ninja adventures continue in these stories featuring the characters of Naruto and Boruto!A new series of prose novels, straight from the worldwide Naruto franchise. Naruto’s allies and enemies take center stage in these fast-paced...
A new series of prose novels, straight from the worldwide Naruto franchise. Naruto’s allies and enemies take center stage in these fast-paced adventures, with each volume focusing on a particular...
The ninja adventures continue in these stories featuring the characters of Naruto and Boruto!A new series of prose novels, straight from the worldwide Naruto franchise. Naruto’s allies and enemies take center stage in these fast-paced...
Game loving shut-in Kazuma Sato's life as a young schoolboy in Japan abruptly comes to an early end...or at least it was supposed to. When he opens his eyes, though,...
A new series of prose novels, straight from the worldwide Naruto franchise. Naruto’s allies and enemies take center stage in these fast-paced adventures, with each volume focusing on a particular...
The ninja adventures continue in these stories featuring the characters of Naruto and Boruto!A new series of prose novels, straight from the worldwide Naruto franchise. Naruto’s allies and enemies take center stage in...
A layered coming-of-age story from the author of I Want to Eat Your Pancreas and At Night, I Become a Monster. (And don't miss the manga adaptation, also available from Seven Seas.) An unhappy girl...
"Until the day humanity falls." In the year 2020, Earth's magnetic poles disappeared and humankind was nearly wiped out by cosmic radiation. Within the span of a hundred years, living...