Can Detective Conan crack the case…while trapped in a kid’s body?Jimmy Kudo, the son of a world-renowned mystery writer, is a high school detective who has cracked the most baffling...
In a remote village, a teenage boy washes ashore with amnesia. It doesn’t take long for him to be identified…as long-missing sleuth Jimmy Kudo! Jimmy’s friends race to restore his...
Can Detective Conan crack the case…while trapped in a kid’s body?Jimmy Kudo, the son of a world-renowned mystery writer, is a high school detective who has cracked the most baffling...
Shinichi Kudo is a high school student who excels at solving puzzles through intuition and inference. He is apprehended by the suspects he was following and forced to take an...
Shinichi Kudo is a high school student who excels at solving puzzles through intuition and inference. He is apprehended by the suspects he was following and forced to take an...
Shinichi Kudo is a high school student who excels at solving puzzles through intuition and inference. He is apprehended by the suspects he was following and forced to take an...
Shinichi Kudo è un brillante liceale abilissimo nel risolvere qualunque enigma o caso di omicidio, anche il più complesso. Un giorno viene catturato da dei misteriosi uomini in nero e...
Shinichi Kudo è uno studente liceale appassionato di romanzi gialli che, sognando di diventare uh grande detective, ficca il naso negli affari della polizia e riesce sempre a risolvere brillantemente...
Shinichi Kudo è un brillante liceale abilissimo nel risolvere qualunque enigma o caso di omicidio, anche il più complesso. Un giorno viene catturato da dei misteriosi uomini in nero e...
Shinichi Kudo è un brillante liceale abilissimo nel risolvere qualunque enigma o caso di omicidio, anche il più complesso. Un giorno viene catturato da dei misteriosi uomini in nero e...