Takemichi time-leaps 12 years into the past to save his beloved ex-girlfriend, Hinata, from getting murdered by the villainous Tokyo Manji Gang. In order to stop the Moebius from splitting...
Watching the news, Takemichi Hanagaki learns that his girlfriend from way back in middle school, Hinata Tachibana, has died. The only girlfriend he ever had was just killed by a...
The time leap suspense story enters its 20th volume! In the face of Tenjiku's overwhelming forces, Toman is on the verge of destruction. Who is it who rushed in front...
The time leap suspense story enters its 17th volume! At Inui's request, Takemichi becomes the 11th leader of the Black Dragons. As Toman and Tenjiku's full-frontal confrontation approaches, Kisaki's wicked...
Our suspenseful story time-leaps into its eighth volume! The battle between Toman and Valhalla intensifies! Mikey unleashes his rage on Kazutora for stabbing Baji! And Baji takes up the knife...
To save his beloved ex-girlfriend Hinata Tachibana, Takemichi time-leaps back 12 years to his middle-school days. Takemichi wants to stop Draken from dying, but Kiyomasa just stabbed him with a...
Takemichi is determined to stand at the top of Toman's ranks. To bring Baji back to Toman, to get rid of Kisaki, the man behind everything, and to save Hinata...
The time leap suspense story enters its 18th volume! Mikey has lost his will to fight, and Takemichi faces Tenjiku without him. Can he crush Kisaki and Izana's ambitions, and...
The thrilling and suspenseful time-leaping story enters its 5th volume!! Takemichi stopped Draken from dying, successfully changed the past, and returned to the present for a reunion with Hinata. But...