They call themselves the Black Book Club: a consortium of billionaires who gained their wealth and power by dealing with evil demons. One of them has kidnapped a beautiful ice...
Yusuke Urameshi was just another street punk until he died in an unexpected act of self-sacrifice...and came back. Now he's the Underworld's official supernatural detective, charged with keeping the peace...
The legendary exorcist Genkai is about to pass on her explosive demon-smiting techniques to one student--and only one. Trouble is, one of the people battling for the honor is a...
Yusuke Urameshi is back! When the teenage delinquent surprised the Underworld by dying heroically, he was given a chance--just one--to return to life. Now, having passed his trials in the...
A few weeks ago, Yusuke Urameshi was the toughest 8th-grader in his junior high; now, he's taking the toughest test of his life, the test to see if he will...
Yusuke Urameshi was a tough teen delinquent until one selfless act changed his ending it. When he died saving a little kid from a speeding car, the afterlife didn't...
A delinquent’s gotta do what he’s gotta do…in the afterlife.Yusuke Urameshi was a tough teen delinquent until one selfless act changed his ending it. When he died saving a...