10th grader Yugi spent most of his time alone playing games...until he solved the Millennium Puzzle, a mysterious Egyptian artifact! Possessed by the puzzle, Yugi becomes Yu-Gi-Oh, the King of Games, and challenges evildoers to the Shadow Games...weird games with high stakes and high risks! These graphic novels contain new stories not seen in the anime, including the origin of Yugi and his friends!
When Yugi and his friends joined a "Monster World" role-playing game campaign, they didn't realize just how much time the game would take--like maybe the rest of their lives! Ryo Bakura, their game master, wants to use the power of his Millennium Ring to seal the souls of Yugi, Jonouchi, Anzu and Honda inside his "Monster World" miniatures forever. Now, with 10-sided dice in hand, Yugi and Dark Yugi must hack and slash their way through Bakura's adventure and defeat the Dark Master Zorc...or die trying!