With the rapidly expanding explosion of manga and anime, the vast creative and spiritual influence of the late, great Osamu Tezuka is being recognized worldwide, the skill, depth, and humanity...
Fifty years after his creation, Astro Boy continues to lead the manga and anime charge, his adventures still as fresh and exciting as when first crafted by master storyteller/cartoonist/animator Osamu...
The works of Osamu Tezuka are being enthusiastically discovered and re-discovered by American audiences. Tezuka is the unquestioned creative wellspring for the modern anime and manga industries, the influence of...
Osama Tezuka's Astro Boy is the all-time, 100,000 horsepower champion of classic all-ages robot action! Available for the first time in America, these tales are as exciting, touching, and hilarious...
Osamu Tezuka's Astro Boy has for fifty years represented the best in all-ages graphic fiction and is regarded universally as the launching pad for the worldwide manga and anime explosion....
From the infinite imagination of the revered Osama Tezuka, creator of Metropolis, comes Astro Boy, the launching pad for the worldwide phenoma that are manga and anime. Standing among the...
In the wake of the critical acclaim of the incredible Metropolis animated feature, interest in the work of Osamu Tezuka, creator of Metropolis and the godfather of Japanese comics and...
Half a century old, Astro Boy has once again taken America by storm! Created by the late, great Osamu Tezuka, Japan's "God of Manga," Astro Boy is the cornerstone of today's thriving manga and...
Standing shoulder to shoulder with comics and animation icons Krazy Kat, Mickey Mouse, and Tin Tin, Osama Tezuka's Astro Boy remains as fresh today as when the boy robot first...
A timeless comics and animation classic, Osamu Tezuka' Astro Boy is still going strong nearly half a century after its creation, and Dark Horse brings Tekuza's original Astro Boy manga to America for the...