Dark Horse proudly presents one of the crown jewels of manga—Astro Boy! Created by the late Osamu Tezuka, a revered animator and cartoonist (who created over 150,000 pages of comics in...
The worldwide explosion of Japanese animation, toys, games, and comics can be traced to one focal inspiration, master storyteller Osamu Tezuka, and Astro Boy is Tezuka's most revered creation, a rousing all-ages...
From the infinite imagination of Osamu Tezuka, arguably history's most important-and inarguably its most prolific - creator of graphic fiction, comes Astro Boy, the standard bearer for the exploding anime...
Dark Horse Comics brings the original Astro Boy to America for the first time in an English-language edition! In the wake of widespread critical acclaim for the Metropolis animated feature, interest in...
Dark Horse Comics brings the original Astro Boy to America for the first time in an English-language edition!With graphic novels and animation exploding across America like never before, the signal...
Dark Horse Comics brings the original Astro Boy to America for the first time in an English-language edition!Fifty years and still rockin', Astro Boy proudly wears the championship belt of...
From the boundless imagination of Osamu Tezuka, arguably history's most important — and inarguably its most prolific — creator of graphic fiction, comes Astro Boy, the singular archetype for the...
Fifty years after his creation, Astro Boy continues to lead the manga and anime charge, his adventures still as fresh and exciting as when first crafted by master storyteller/cartoonist/animator Osamu...
Fifty years after his creation, Astro Boy continues to lead the manga and anime charge, his adventures still as fresh and exciting as when first crafted by master storyteller/cartoonist/animator Osamu...
Fifty years after his creation, Astro Boy continues to lead the manga and anime charge, his adventures still as fresh and exciting as when first crafted by master storyteller/cartoonist/animator Osamu...
In the wake of the critical acclaim for the incredible Metropolis animated feature, interest in the work of master storyteller and cartoonist Osamu Tezuka, creator of Metropolis and the godfather...