The blockbuster action manga that inspired the epic anime stampedes towards its climax!The saga of humanity and the predatory Titans edges closer to its thrilling conclusions. The mysteries of the...
Once hailed as humanity's greatest hope, Eren has since become unrecognizable. With the Attack Titan now morphed into a grotesque, colossal skeleton of its former self, Eren continues to control...
In this post-apocalytpic sci-fi story, humanity has been devastated by the bizarre, giant humanoids known as the Titans. Little is known about where they came from or why they are...
To activate the true power of the Founding Titan that courses through his veins, Eren must make contact with Zeke, a Titan of royal blood. Though Zeke has escaped Levi...
BIRTH OF A MONSTER The Colossal Titan has breached humanity’s first line of defense, Wall Maria. Mikasa, the 104th Training Corps’ ace and Eren’s best friend, may be the only one...
Determined to protect his beloved home of Paradis, Eren uses the Founding Titan's power in an attempt to wipe out the rest of humanity. As the droves of Titans press...
After breaking through a stronghold of old friends and enemies, Zeke hands down his plan for the Eldians to Eren. But what Eren was plotting with his rumbling powers leaves...
TRAITOR The last thing Eren remembers before blacking out, a Titan had bitten off his arm and leg and was getting ready to eat him alive. Much to his surprise he...
WITHIN THE HOLLOW CROWN As a Marleyan invasion dangles like a guillotine blade over the island of Paradis, allies have become enemies, and former friends are at each other’s throats....
HUMANITY PUSHES BACK! The Survey Corps develop a risky gambit – have Eren in Titan form attempt to repair Wall Rose, reclaiming human territory from the monsters for the first time...
CAN YOU GO HOME AGAIN? Thanks to Eren, humanity has taken the town of Trost back from the Titans. Exhausted, Eren falls into a coma for three days – and wakes...
The megahit that inspired the acclaimed anime, now in its second season, continues!GIRDING FOR BATTLEEren and everyone he has ever known have lived on the island of Paradis. For many...