As Rin and Daikichi embark on a new kind of life together, this collection of vignettes takes a trip down memory lane: Snapshots of Daikichi's chaotic life immediately after taking...
Rin and Dakichi have weathered many storms together, but Rin's realization that she sees Dakichi - the man who has raised her as a father - in a romantic light,...
As Rin experiences the ups and downs of being a teenager, she begins to ponder what it means to be family. In her exploration of that question, she takes it...
Reconnecting with her biological mother and her new family has put Rin at peace with her unfortunate beginnings. Now, becoming a big sister is cause for happiness for the levelheaded...
As Daikichi continues to juggle work with raising a teenager, Rin struggles with the relationship between her and Kouki, her childhood friend. The last ten years have brought about a...
Ten years have flown by since that fateful day when Daikichi first met Rin at his grandfather's funeral. While Daikichi may be still much the same-though perhaps a bit balder...
Having lived with his adopted daughter, Rin, for over a year now, Daikichi still considers the female mind to be far beyond his grasp! So when his cousin Haruko shows...
As an impromptu dad to Rin, his late grandfather's illegitimate child, Daikichi Kawachi has experienced his share of firsts while caring for his little aunt (?). Now it's Daikichi's turn...
Like a plot out of a soap opera, bachelor Daikichi Kawachi's boringly normal life got a touch of the abnormal when he learned that his late granddad left behind a...
Going home for his grandfather's funeral, thirty-year-old bachelor Daikichi is floored to discover that the old man had an illegitimate child with a younger lover! The rest of his family...