The cutthroat school drama light novels that inspired an anime! Students of the prestigious Tokyo Metropolitan Advanced Nurturing High School are given remarkable freedom—if they can win, barter, or save enough...
THE RELUCTANT WITNESS Class D has conquered the midterms, but their celebration is cut short when three Class C students falsely accuse Sudou of assaulting them! With their friend facing expulsion,...
ROUGHING IT The third semester kicks off in high gear with a special boot camp deep in the mountains. Forcibly separated into groups along grade and gender lines, the first, second...
SIGNS OF TROUBLE The second half of the special summer test finds the students duking it out aboard a luxurious cruise ship. Divided into twelve groups patterned after the signs of...
CRUISING FOR A BRUISING Having survived their final exams, Ayanokouji and the others are looking forward to an idyllic school-sponsored summer vacation aboard a cruise ship. But nothing is ever quite...
As Ayanokouji and his classmates begin their second year at the Advanced Nurturing High School, they’re greeted by a fresh gauntlet of exams and a fresh batch of rather unique...
THE MANY CRIMES OF ICHINOSE HONAMISakayanagi puts her plan to crush Ichinose into motion, spreading rumors of her alleged war criminal history through the school like wildfire. With Class B...
THE SCHEMER, REVEALED! The end of the second semester is near, and Ryuuen’s manhunt for Class D’s mastermind is only getting more aggressive. When he and his goons decide to torture...
Ayanokouji’s relationship with Karuizawa deepens, while the aftershock of his perfect mathematics score ripples through the school. Horikita asks to join the student council, and is accepted by Nagumo. And...
Still reeling from the shock of their first expulsion, the first-years head into the last special exam of the year–a seven-event gauntlet that sees Class A facing off against Class...
ON YOUR MARKS, GET SET, GO! The second semester kicks off, and the students hit the ground running--literally, with a school-wide sports festival! With Class-D's future on the line, Ayanokouji...
The special exam on an uninhabited island has begun! For two weeks, students will do their best to visit checkpoints and complete challenges to gain points with their groups. Well,...