After their journey down the river, Satou and crew finally arrive at the old capital just in time for the martial arts tournament, along with some fireworks, a ball at...
After rescuing Muno Barony from disaster, Satou and crew head for dwarf territory and rescue an Oracle priestess from the demons! But for some reason, the attacks just keep coming...
Having saved the mysterious elf girl and her protector, Satou faces his next challenge: ascending the Cradle, a training facility for elves packed with monsters and powerful guardians! Satou fights...
Twenty-nine year old Satou just closed his eyes for a brief nap at work, but when he opened them, he found himself in a game-like alternate world. Fortunately, thanks to...
Living in a gamelike fantasy world, Satou Suzuki is in no hurry to get back to his "death march" at home. He's content to take in the sights of Seiryuu...