Programmer Ichirou Suzuki is transported to another world. In a foreign land, he finds that life is an adventure that's sometimes fun, sometimes serious, and full of girls!
A HERO’S WORK IS NEVER DONE!Enjoying a rare moment of respite, Satou and his party return to the royal capital to be decorated for their accomplishments. But there, they hear...
Having successfully averted the airship attack, Satou and company arrive safely in the royal capital. There, they are reunited with Nana’s “sisters”—Numbers 1 through 8— and give them the gift...
Desperate to protect those close to her, Zena approaches Satou with a simple wish: She wants to become stronger. Naturally, Satou agrees to help, and he and his party subject...
A SIGHT FOR SORE EYES!Having toppled another powerful foe, Satou’s group heads back to Labyrinth City to celebrate their achievements. Upon returning, they’re greeted by two familiar faces—Zena and Karina...
A DEMON IN THE DUNES With their rigorous training session behind them, Satou’s party is finally prepared to take on the tougher enemies of the Celivera Labyrinth. Never ones to...
WITH FRIENDS LIKE THESE...With the demon threat neutralized, relative peace has returned to Labyrinth City, allowing the residents to shift their focus back to the labyrinth itself. Between the mysterious...
No good deed goes unpunished!Though Satou's stay in Labyrinth City got off to a rocky start, he's determined to put Celivera on the road to redemption! Acts of charity, such...
A problem at every twist and turn...At long last, Satou and company have arrived at Labyrinth City Celivera! Eager to uncover its mysteries, they waste no time before registering with...
rouble on the high seas!Having reached the end of their several-month stay in Bolenan Forest, Satou and the others decide to earn their sea legs as they resume their journey...
A VERDANT VACATION!Mia's safe return to the elves of Bolenan Forest is cause for celebration! Satou and crew are showered with hospitality, including elegant music, lavish feasts, and an exclusive...
A STRONG FRIENDSHIP BEGINS WITH A STRONG DRINK!As Satou and crew set out for more sightseeing, they catch up with the hero Hayato and learn of his many interests, including...