Twenty-nine-year-old Satoru Fujinuma is floundering through life. Amid his daily drudgery, he finds himself in the grip of an incredible, inexplicable, and uncontrollable phenomenon that rewinds time, a condition that...
Satoru had a hunch that something was going to happen to Misato... In order to track her down when she disappears, Satoru and Yashiro follow the Shiratori Foods truck. En...
While Satoru was 'betting time' asleep in his coma, what became of the lives his childhood friends lived without him? This special extra volume of Erased checks in on the...
Satoru is making great strides toward recovery, despite the gaping hole in his memory. But after a chance encounter with a stranger named Airi, Satoru realized the fragments of "dreams"...
With Yashiro and Sachiko's cooperation, Hinazuki was taken in by her grandmother. Even though Hinazuki is out of danger, Satoru has no time to rest--the serial abduction slayings are not...
Satoru Fujinuma's power of Revival has sent him eighteen years into his past to relive his middle school days and prevent the death of his classmate Kayo Hinazuki. But even...