AFTERMATH With Inuyashiki emerging victorious from the brutal fight with Shishigami, a peaceful Japan—and normal life for his family—appear to be attainable at last. Inuyashiki devotes himself to repairing his...
CLASH OF TITANS Inuyashiki finally meets Shishigami! But with the life of his daughter, Mari, hanging by a thread, there’s no time for him to engage his android counterpart. Inuyashiki...
DESPERATE TIMES Until now, Inuyashiki and Shishigami have walked separate paths with their superhuman abilities. But unhinged, isolated, and seemingly with nothing more to lose, Shishigami has turned his deadly...
SHISHIGAMI VS. JAPAN When a special person in Hiro Shishigami’s life causes him to turn over a new leaf, he decides to use his powers for good. But before long,...
SINNER TO SAVIOR Shishigami’s identity as a vicious murderer is known to the nation, prompting him to take refuge. As public outcry calls for him to be brought to justice,...
Ichiro Inuyashiki is down on his luck. While only 58 years old, his geriatric looks often have him written off as a pathetic old man by the world around him...
Cruel Youth: Hiro Shishigami's surprising reveal to his best friend, Ando, has made it clear that Inuyashiki was not the only person out in the park on that fateful night....
LAST HERO An immense asteroid is hurtling towards Earth, and worldwide efforts to push it from its path have failed. With imminent doom on the horizon, it seems like Earth's...
BEYOND PRIME. Ichiro Inuyashiki is down on his luck. While only 58 years old, his geriatric looks often have him written off as a pathetic old man by the world...