Back from his unexpected travels, Koutarou tries to settle in to his life as a normal high school student again. A school field trip to a ski resort sounds like...
After Clan and Koutarou are caught in the premature explosion of the Super Space-time Repulsion shell, they’re blown clear across the universe to a most unexpected destination. Will they be...
Koutarou decides to humor the haniwas and Alunaya when they take an interest in RC cars—and Clan’s determined not to be left out! After their fierce showdown, Maki’s in for...
Koutarou and the girls prepare to chase Ralgwin back to Forthorthe, but one critical mission remains before they can leave Earth behind again—they must oversee the welcome ceremony for the...
While the magical girls of the Corona House crew are out on patrol one evening, they’re treated to a most unusual sight—a Sanae they don’t know falling from the sky!...
Harumi and Clan take a sentimental tour of Vandarion’s special territory, swapping secrets (and more!) in hopes of better understanding their respective relationships with Koutarou. Theia and Ruth also take...
Koutarou and company are left reeling in the wake of Ralgwin’s mysterious disappearance, but he isn’t the only cause for concern anymore. Maki receives an invitation from Rainbow Heart, which...
After the attack underground, Koutarou and company return to the surface to regroup and plan their next move. They know Ralgwin will continue to come after them as long as...
Now that Koutarou and the girls know the remnants of Vandarion’s faction are holding out on Earth, they’ll have to dig deep for a new fight on the home front....
In this collection of side stories: Kiriha and Elfaria go toe-to-toe to decide who gets to take care of Koutarou when he gets sick on vacation, the story of how...
It’s been two full years since Koutarou first started at Harukaze High as a freshman and a battle for his apartment turned his life upside down. A lot has changed...
In this collection of side stories: Clan and Yurika try their hardest in a triathlon in order to earn a special reward from a special someone, Harumi and Maki embark...