A normal girl was living a normal life—until she wasn’t.One day, she could see…everything. What’s a girl to do when hideous monsters appear no matter which way she turns?And on...
Salt, useless. Prayer beads, no dice.Disinfectant—mildly effective.Miko’s fruitless attempts at warding off horrific spirits leave her with one option...keep pretending these grotesque specters don’t exist.But Miko hasn’t given up yet!...
To see…or not to see? Until Miko met Yuria, the pretend-not-to-see ghosts plan seemed like the best course of action. But the new substitute teacher is that creepy guy from...
There’s a new kid on the block! Or more of, in Miko’s class. In the seat behind Miko. Supposedly, she’s this dropdead gorgeous model, but...Miko can’t see her face past...
Although Miko’s been trying her hardest to ignore all the creepy ghost things around her, now that Hana may be involved, she can’t pretend anymore. So with the help of...
Thrice. Three times. Those creepy shrine maidens saved Miko from three encounters with murderous ghosts... but what happens now? Well, Miko’s about to find out! In an effort to thank...
So one of the top ten places NOT to visit when you can see the grisly ghosts of the dearly departed? The hospital. Unfortunately for Miko, that’s exactly where she...