After saving Lily from the Mad Beast and parting ways with the Skanda on good terms, Takahiro’s party once more aims for Shiran’s hometown in Aker, seeking a quiet place...
Takahiro’s group finds themselves in a hopeless predicament, facing off against the Skanda Iino Yuna’s overwhelming power. But thanks to Mana’s sacrificial play, they successfully overcome Iino’s strength. However, as...
The monster attack has left Fort Tilia in ruins. Since they can no longer defend the fortress or stay there in safety, Takahiro and the remaining survivors leave to escape...
After helping Shiran with her insatiable hunger, Takahiro and his group finally arrive at Shiran’s hometown...only to find it under attack by a mysterious company of armored men. Seeing her...
After learning the tragic story of a former savior in Draconia, Takahiro is determined to make a place in this world that will accept him and his servants. Accompanied by...
After forming a contract with the Misty Lodge and returning to town, Takahiro and his group once more bump into the cheater Fukatsu Aketora and his traveling companion Thaddeus. The...
A giant army of monsters suddenly attacks Fort Tilia. Among all the chaos and death, Takahiro and Lily must decide whether to reveal their secret, and invite suspicions that they...
Escorted by the elven knight Shiran, Majima Takahiro and Lily arrive at a fortress within the monster-filled forest. There, they meet members of the first expeditionary force and Takahiro’s best...
Majima Takahiro welcomes his former assailant, now given the name Gerbera, as his third servant. With Lily and Rose still recovering from their ferocious battle, Takahiro begins exploring the forest...
One thousand Japanese high school students are suddenly thrust into an unfamiliar world rife with dangerous monsters. Their survival becomes dependent on those who awaken to unexplainable powers. Majima Takahiro,...