While sojourning in the Tower of Fangs, Orphen and Majic come across the “Browning Family’s World Transcript,” a divine history book. Unfortunately for the duo, they’ve come into possession of...
Orphen is invited back home by an old associate named Leticia. There he encounters a mysterious, incredibly talented assassin... A sorcerer clad in black, who wields prodigal power. There's only...
Leaving Kink Hall Village behind them, Orphen and his companions find themselves now in Fenrir’s Forest, the large sea of trees covering one fifth of the Continent. Few men ever...
Orphen's journey takes a sour turn as a loan shark starts sending a deluge of hired assassins after him! But one of these assassins, Philietta the Fools' Hound, notorious Sorcerer...
Orphen's wayward journey continues as he pursues the dwarf brothers Volkan and Dortin, who have absconded with a dangerous artifact known as the Sword of Baldanders. His two companions, Claiomh...
Orphen is a Sorcerer drop-out from the prestigious Tower of Fangs. His journey to save Azalie, a girl he looked up to like a sister, has brought him to the...