Despite an invitation from Almagest, the lord of the Imminent Domain, Orphen arrives to discover the man is dead–only to rediscover him walking his manor alive and well the next...
At last, Orphen and company arrive at the Imminent Domain. The Stabbers of the Thirteen Apostles have already arrived, a trail of death marking their passing. A bloody path carved...
The Imminent Domain: The nearest human territory to the dragons' sanctuary. Following Winona’s guidance, Orphen journeys there to learn Azalie’s whereabouts from Damian Rue. En route, they encounter both his...
The chaos in Urbanrama that began when Orphen's group arrived has reached its peak. Doppel X has bared their fangs at Orphen, Majic is missing, and Claiomh has become Sleeping...
Arriving in Urbanrama, Orphen’s problems keep piling up. Lottecia vanishes into the night with Claiomh's sword, and Orphen's suspicions about Ed's identity are confirmed. To make things worse, Ryan and...
Unable to decide where to go next on his journey, Orphen is still staying in Nashwater. One day, Claiomh gets drawn into a dispute between two sword dojos. The subject...
Orphen explores the mountain forest, accompanying Dortin, who claims Volkan has been killed. Avoiding the attacks of a mysterious "monkey," he eventually stumbles upon a creepy structure that seems to...
The battle of Kimluck comes to an end, and with it, one leg of the wayward journey. Heading south on their way to the eastern part of the continent, Orphen...
Orphen falls into the subterranean lake, powerless after being shot by Quo Vadis Pater. Luckily, Azalie is there to save him. In his hazy consciousness at the bottom of the...
After defeating the Death Instructor Name Only in the underground waterway, Orphen meets up with Salua Solude and finally infiltrates the Yggdrasil Cathedral. But the shock of taking a life...
With the aid of a Death Instructor he met at the Kamisunda Theater, Orphen disguises himself as one of the Kimluck Church faithful and infiltrates the city. On the way...
On the road to Kimluck headquarters, Orphen’s group is distracted by a sudden scream piercing the night. They discover the Kamisunda Theater, ancient Celestial ruins where those deemed worthy may...