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Spice and Wolf, Vol. 21 (light novel

    Spice and Wolf, Vol. 21 (light novel

    LE 280.00 LE 390.00
      For Lawrence, the seed of all his worries is none other than his adorable only daughter, Myuri, who recently left home. Ever since her departure, this worrisome father has become more haggard and anxious with each passing day. Unable to ignore it any longer, his wife, Holo, entrusts the bathhouse to their friends and proposes that they embark on a journey of their own. To visit their daughter, of course. For the first time in over ten years, their cart returns to the road once again, rumbling along slowly, heavily laden with memories, emotions, and promises to fulfill. Though it's been a long time since they last traveled, the loving couple won't have to go far before they begin to hear rumors of Myuri-or rather, Saint Myuri?! What has that wild girl done now???