With the Falmuth army decimated, Rimuru's transformation into a Demon Lord finally begins. A successful evolution would mean unlocking new powers and a chance to resurrect the dead, but as...
The hostile human nation of Falmuth staged a devastating attack on Tempest, the peaceful land of monsters. Now, in order to bring back the dead and protect the living, Rimuru...
ABANDON HOPE, ALL WHO ENTER HEREThe Eastern Empire’s vast army (over 900,000 strong) is ready to invade the Forest of Jura. Thanks to Ramiris’s mind-boggling powers, Tempest’s entire capital—buildings, inhabitants,...
THE GEARS OF WAR BEGIN TO TURNThreatened by Tempest’s continued rapid expansion, the Eastern Empire finally starts setting the stage for all-out war with the monster nation. According to Chloe,...
COMMANDER IN GRIEF Milim is now a resident of Tempest, but her presence there sets off a chain of events that begins with the entrance of a rival demon lord’s...
TRIAL BY FIRE While looking for craftsmen in the Dwarven Kingdom, Rimuru and his friends find themselves stuck in a mess with a powerful minister. Now they’re caught in a...
Rimuru and his crew are off to visit the demon lord Luminus in the Holy Empire of Lubelius for a music recital. Everything seems to be going smoothly...until Rimuru and...
During his rise from a humble slime to the chancellor of the Jura Tempest Federation, Rimuru has tackled his fair share of trials and tribulations. But this latest challenge is...
AN INEVITABLE CRUSADEWith the help of Queen Ramiris, the children are now in stable condition and should lead normal lives, much to Rimuru's relief. But all is not well... In...
Mikami’s middle age hasn’t gone as he planned: He never found a girlfriend, he got stuck in a dead-end job, and he was abruptly stabbed to death in the street...
Over the course of his new life as a slime, Rimuru has overcome many trials and tribulations -- aggressive neighbors, treacherous plots, deadly beasts -- to build his very own...
RIMURU THE DIPLOMAT At the suggestion of Demon Lord Carrion, Tempest and Eurazania have sent delegations to each other in the hopes of finding fruitful exchange. Benimaru leads the mission...