Awakening from magical stasis after a thousand years, the Dark Lord Leonis suddenly finds himself in the body of a ten-year-old boy! He quickly meets Riselia, a girl confronting the...
Nine years ago, Sakuya lost her home and sister to a powerful Void Lord. She’s dedicated her life to fighting the Voids ever since. However, when a group of the...
A recent rash of incidents has seen Holy Swords spiraling out of control and becoming twisted weapons known as Demon Swords. No one is sure as to the cause, but...
With a holiday called the Holy Light Festival fast approaching, the girls of the eighteenth platoon decide to host a haunted café in their dorm. The event is meant to...
Six years ago, Riselia lost her home and family during the Void Stampede that destroyed the Third Assault Garden. Only sheand Regina were thought to have survived, yet the floating...
When a princess visits the Seventh Assault Garden, Leonis believes it’s a chance to expand his influence as a Dark Lord. Unfortunately, the celebrations are cut short by a Void...