In a city of the dead, long since ruined and far from human civilization, lives a single human child. His name is Will, and he's being raised by three undead:...
After returning from the battle at the Rust Mountains, what awaited Will was not a fairytale ending or another terrifying threat, but the commonplace events of his everyday life.His friendship...
Will and his new allies at last set out for the Rust Mountains to face the dragon Valacirca. After a nostalgic reunion and an unexpected encounter, the curtain of battle...
But order has not completely been restored to this faraway land; strange things are happening, starting with plants blooming out of season and dying at random. At Duke Ethel’s request,...
Will has come of age. As a sorcerer, warrior, and priest of Gracefeel, he departs the city and temple where he was raised on a journey to the north. It's...