A new manga from the creator of the acclaimed A Silent Voice, featuring intimate, emotional drama and an epic story spanning time and space...A lonely boy wandering the desolate tundra meets...
A new manga from the creator of the acclaimed A Silent Voice, featuring intimate, emotional drama and an epic story spanning time and space...A lonely boy wandering the Arctic regions of...
Prince Bon’s ability to see the dead convinces him that he is all-powerful–until he finds himself trapped at the hands of The Church of Bennett. Meanwhile, there are abilities within...
Four years dedicated to his family have molded Fushi into an approximation of a human. But Fushi’s new acquisitions in that low-stimulus life have been few. When he attends Rean’s...
Gugu is a masked boy living in servitude and trapped by his troubled past. When the two meet, Fushi’s abilities resonate with Gugu, who always yearned to be born anew....
Several centuries have passed since the siege of Renril, and now, mankind celebrates a peaceful world. In an era free of the menacing Nokkers, the battles of Fushi and his...
The fight for Renril reaches its peak, but when Kahaku's left hand betrays Fushi and his allies, a great crisis descends upon the city... March arrives in time to see...
The Nokkers make a vigorous attack on Renril, but Fushi has found battle-ready allies in Kai, Hairo, and Messar. The sides match each other blow for blow, and exhaustion soon...
Fushi’s preparations for the Nokker attack on Renril pushes his abilities into new territory. Meanwhile, Bon goes on tour to find the new allies that he believes Fushi needs to...
Fushi remains on Jananda with Hayase, and by doing so, frees Tonari and the group. But Tonari returns to the island to save Fushi, where a grave danger awaits them...