Kazuhiro Kitase's only hobby is sleeping. Ever since he was young, he would enter a wondrous world within his dreams and go on thrilling adventures. One day, he goes on...
With the raid on the ancient labyrinth underway, Kazuhiho, Marie, and the others finally head for the third floor. The difficulty within the labyrinth ramps up as those from other...
Kazuhiro and Marie officially start dating after he confesses his love to her. After taking care of the aftermath of defeating Zarish, the gang discusses the details of how to...
Enjoy the theme park to the fullest! Kazuhiho and the others manage to escape Zarish's evil clutches... But at the same time, Eve the dark elf gets dragged into the...
Take down the master of the ancient labyrinth!The undying floor master awaits deep within the ancient labyrinth. The raid on the labyrinth has been full of turmoil, and a third...
After earning the right to explore the ancient labyrinths, Kazuhiho and Marie depart for the raid on the labyrinth along with their powerful new ally, Wridra the Magi Drake. Meanwhile,...
Kazuhiro and Marie decide to invite Wrida the magi drake to Japan to offer her some rest from her demanding job of raising children. Kazuhiro takes his two guests on...